Friday, May 4, 2018

Which is the Best Biscuit to Dunk in Your Tea

Yo! Yo! Yo! My fellow fans of tea!

It's the crazy tea lady back again with another blog post. Today's blog is about which biscuit is the unTEAmate best for dunking in your tea. I personally judge it on flavour and dunkability (how long you can out it in the tea before it detaches from the biscuit and disintegrates). My personal favourite biscuit to dunk into tea would either be an all-butter shortbread or "fox's chunkie cookies milk chocolate chunks". Other favourable mentions would be digestives (chocolate and original, maryland chocolate chip cookies and all-butter chocolate biscuits.
 MashableUK did a dunkability test. They tested out eleven biscuits such as custard cream, rich tea, digestive, chocolate digestive, bourbon cream, ginger nut, hobnob, malted milk, chocolate hobnob, shortbread and a jammie dodger.
 They tested out the biscuits by making a fresh cup of tea as he temperature comes into effect when seeing how fast the biscuit falls apart with each biscuit and timing how long it took until the biscuit disintegrated when submerged 50% into the tea.
 The results were:
11th- Ginger nut- 22 seconds
10th- Digestive- 23 seconds.
9th- Hobnob- 36 seconds.
8th- Chocolate Hobnob- 44 seconds
7th- Rich Tea- 47 seconds.
6th- Chocolate Digestive- 60 seconds.
5th- Malted Milk- 76 seconds.
4th-  Shortbread-102 seconds.
3rd- Jammie Dodger- 47 seconds... although it lasted shorter than the shortbread, malted milk
        and chocolate digestive it's taste remained for longer than them all.
2nd- Bourbon- 125 seconds.
1st- Custard Cream- 125 seconds... It may have lasted the same amount as the bourbon it's taste
       remained for longer than the bourbon.

I agree with this verdict, however I think they could have included another biscuit rather than the malted milk as I don't think it is as popular as other biscuits.

Hope you enjoyed that tea-rific test
See ya next time!!

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