Thursday, May 17, 2018

Benefits of Drinking Tea

Hello Tea Drinkers,

On today's post we are here to talk about one of the many positive effects tea has on our bodies. For starters tea consists of antioxidants polyphenols, tea contains less caffeine than coffee, tea is calorie free, it aids digestion and tea hydrates the body.

Different types of tea give us different types of benefits.

Green Tea: fights cancer, prevents cavities, lowers cholesterol, speeds up metabolism and prevents diabetes and dementia.

White Tea: Has antibacterial properties, reduces risk of cardiovascular disorders, aids in managing diabetes and it beneficial in weight loss.

Black Tea: Can help lower blood pressure, can help prevent heart disease, prevents breast cancer and provides relief from asthma.

Earl Grey Tea: Fights anxiety, gives relief from stress, improves digestion and prevents tooth decay.

Tea has many benefits, for just one cup of tea it has so many properties that had a positive effect on our bodies. Considering tea is relatively cheap to buy (depending on the brand/quality/shop) it has a priceless effect on your bodies overall internal and external health. Tea has so many different flavours there's bound to be at least one tea that you like the taste of with benefits of it's own. The world is your oyster and you got to take a grip of it and take care of yourself and tea can help your health immensely... so next time you feel under the weather make sure you grab that cup of tea and have your daily dose of fantastic benefits in just own cup!

Don't forget to have your daily cup today!!

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